Tuesday, April 3, 2012

How to Stretch Post-Workout

How to Stretch Post-Workout
How to Stretch Post-Workout

Calf - Step forward with both feet facing the same way with a straight back leg. If you have something to lean against, this can help you stretch for longer.
Calf - Step forward with both feet facing the same way with a straight back leg. If you have something to lean against, this can help you stretch for longer.

Quad - Lift your left leg and hold it in your left hand. Keep your right leg straight without locking it. Push your hips forward to deepen the stretch. Repeat on the other side
Quad - Lift your left leg and hold it in your left hand. Keep your right leg straight without locking it. Push your hips forward to deepen the stretch. Repeat on the other side

Hamstring - Sit on the floor with one leg straight and the other leg bent. Lean into the straight leg and hold as far down as you can.
Hamstring - Sit on the floor with one leg straight and the other leg bent. Lean into the straight leg and hold as far down as you can.

Adductors - Sit with your soles together and push your knees outwards towards the floor with your forearms.
Adductors - Sit with your soles together and push your knees outwards towards the floor with your forearms.

Abductors - Lie on your back and curl one leg up so the ankle rests above your knee. Bring your leg in, grasp with your hands and pull in
Abductors - Lie on your back and curl one leg up so the ankle rests above your knee. Bring your leg in, grasp with your hands and pull in

Hip Flexor - Step forward and kneel with a split stance. Lean forwards to feel the stretch
Hip Flexor - Step forward and kneel with a split stance. Lean forwards to feel the stretch

Tricep - Raise your arm up and place your hand between your shoulder blades. Push onto your elbow to stretch the back of your arm
Tricep - Raise your arm up and place your hand between your shoulder blades. Push onto your elbow to stretch the back of your arm

Shoulder - Move your arm across your chest and pull it in with your other arm.
Shoulder - Move your arm across your chest and pull it in with your other arm.

Original article and pictures take d1alt1wkdk73qo.cloudfront.net site

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